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Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tips Diet Ala Wanita Perancis

french_women_dietSaat Anda meliat menu pilihan perempuan Prancis, Anda akan menemukan satu croissant besar isi keju dan cake coklat sebagai makanan penutup. Namun meski menunya terbilang padat lemak, postur tubuh mereka tetap saja langsing dan selalu terlihat chic dalam busana apapun. Apa rahasianya?
Nikmati dengan perlahan
Orang Perancis punya kebiasaan menikmati makanan secara perlahan sambil ngobrol. Menurut Paul Rozin, Ph. D., dosen psikologi University of Pennsylvania, dengan cara makan seperti rasa, rasa kenyang akan lebi cepat timbul. “Sebaliknya, kalau makan cepat-cepat, selain kalori lebih banyak dikonsumsi, kerja lambung juga akan bertambah berat karena makanan yang masuk belum dihaluskan sempurna oleh gigi dan sistem pencernaan,” jelas Paul.
Tips menikmati makanan
Berikut ini beberapa tips untuk menikmati hidangan yang Anda makan:
  1. Jangan makan sambil mengerjakan hal lain, seperti menonton televisi, membaca buku, dan sebagainya. Situasi ini cenderung menyebabkan kita menambah porsi makan.
  2. Kunyah makanan sampai halus. Pastikan sebelum menyuap lagi, makanan di dalam mulut telah tertelan seluruhnya.
  3. Pasang musik berirama lambat untuk mengiringi kegiatan makan Anda. Jenis irama ini membuat kita makan perlahan-lahan.

Tips Diet Ala Wanita Perancis

When you clayey French women the option menu, you'll find a great cheese croissants and chocolate cake for dessert. But though the menu is fairly solid fat, their body posture is still slim and always looks chic in any fashion. What's the secret?

Enjoy it slowly

The French have a habit of enjoying food slowly while chatting. According to Paul Rozin, Ph. D., professor of psychology University of Pennsylvania, by way of food such as taste, satiety will lebi quickly arise. "Conversely, if you eat fast, in addition to more calories consumed, the stomach of work will also gain weight because food intake has not been completely crushed by the teeth and digestive systems," explains Paul.

Tips to enjoy food

Here are some tips for enjoying the meal you eat:

  1. Do not eat while doing other things, such as watching television, reading books, and so on. This situation tends to cause us to increase the size of the meal.
  2. Chew your food thoroughly until smooth. Make sure before feeding, the food in the mouth has been swallowed whole.
  3. Install the slow rhythmic music to accompany your dining events. This type of rhythm to make us eat slowly.

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