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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Mitos Seks Perempuan

Ahli seks Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright menjelaskan beberapa mitos seks perempuan yang sering menjadi pertanyaan.

1. Seks harus dilakukan dengan perasaan atau ikatan emosional

benar. Perempuan lebih menyukai keintiman dan romantisme. Seks justru hanya bumbu bagi mereka. Ingin memuaskan pasangan Anda? pastikan buat dia bahagia terlebih dahulu.

2. Perempuan tak suka One Night Stand

Seks semalam atau One Night stand seringkali muncul dari ide kaum laki-laki. Namun ternyata banyak juga yang kini menikmatinya. Bahkan di beberapa penelitian, perempuan hanya menganggap pernikahan layaknya karir.

3. Butuh waktu selamanya untuk membuat perempuan orgasme

Membicarakan hasrat seksual perepuan memang menarik. hal itu sering dikaitkan dengan sulitnya para perempuan untuk merasakan orgasme. Namun bukan berarti kaum perempuan tak bisa merasakannya. Kenyataannya perempuan memnag lebih bisa merasakan orgasme saat mereka masturbasi. Namun tak ada salahnya untuk mengenali lebih dalam tubuh pasangan Anda dan buat dia merasakan orgasme.

4. Perempuan memiliki G-spot

Berhenti mempertanyakan keberadaan G-spot, karena hal tersebut nyata. Namun di mana letaknya, silakan ANda cari tahu sendiri. Caranya? Explore lebih dalam tubuh pasangan Anda, dan cari apa yang ia suka!

5. Perempuan tak suka seks oral

Harus diakui, oral seks lebih dinikmati oleh kaum pria. Tapi ada juga perempuan yang menikmatinya. Perempuan tersebut biasanya menyukai mimik kenikmatan yang terpancar di wajah pasangannya. Hal tersebut bisa membuatnya ‘on’.


Women's Sex Myths

Women hate it, women do not like something like that. Various myths of female sex remains a question for men. Actually what is the hated and liked women?

Sex expert Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright explain some of the myths of female sex is often a question.

1. Sex has to do with feelings or emotional ties

true. Women prefer the intimacy and romance. Sex actually just a flavor for them. Want to satisfy your partner? be sure to make her happy first.

2. Women do not like One Night Stand

Sex One Night Stand last night or often arise from the idea of men. But apparently many are now enjoying. Even in some studies, women only consider marriage as a career.

3. It took forever to make a female orgasm

Talking about sexual desire humiliation of women is interesting. it is often associated with the difficulty of women to experience orgasm. But that does not mean women can not feel it. In fact more women memnag could feel the orgasm when they masturbate. But it could not hurt to recognize more in your partner's body and make him feel the orgasm.

4. Women have G-spot

Stop questioning the existence of the G-spot, because it is real. But where it is, please find out for yourself. The trick? Explore deeper into your partner's body, and look what he likes!

5. Women do not like oral sex

Admittedly, oral sex is enjoyed more by men. But there are also women who enjoy it. Women usually like the look of delight on the faces mate. This can make it 'on'.

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