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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Bentuk Daerah ‘V’ Perempuan Pengaruhi Kenikmatan Bercinta

Perempuan yang mempunyai ukuran Téléclitoridienne dibawah atau sama dengan 2,5 centimeter mempunyai kesempatan orgasme lebih besar daripada perempuan yang Téléclitoridienne-nya diatas 2,5 centimeter.
Penelitian akan kasus ini sebenarnya sudah dilakukan sejak lama sekali oleh Napoleon Bonaparte. Profesor Kim Wallen dari Universitas Emory, Amerika Serikat mengindikasikan hal yang sama dengan yang dilakukan pada zaman dahulu.
Menurut Wallen perempuan yang paling mudah mendapatkan orgasme yakni yang memiliki Téléclitoridienne sebesar ibu jari.

Shape District V Women's Influence pleasure Love

Many studies have proven that size does not influence male genital pleasure sex. Conversely, there are other studies which states that form the 'V' of women affect a person's sex life. A number of researchers indicated the distance between the clitoris and the vaginal orgasm a woman's influence, especially during masturbation. The distance between the clitoris and the vagina is called "Téléclitoridienne".

Women who have Téléclitoridienne size below or equal to 2.5 centimeters have the opportunity to orgasm more than women who Téléclitoridienne 2.5 centimeters above her.

The study of the case has actually been done since long time ago by Napoleon Bonaparte. Professor Kim Wallen of Emory University, the United States indicate the same thing to that done in ancient times.

According to Wallen women who most easily get an orgasm that has Téléclitoridienne of your thumb.

Quoted from

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