merupakan bagian tubuh yang kelihatannya tidak terlalu penting untuk
dirawat namun sebenarnya sangat perlu karena tangan merupakan bagian
tubuh yang paling sering berhubungan dengan orang lain. Misalnya saja
untuk bersalaman dengan rekan kerja, untuk membelai orang-orang yang
kita sayangi. Memiliki telapak tangan yang halus sangat penting bagi
sebagian besar wanita, karena umunnya telapak tangan sering menjadi
kasar akibat proses mencuci, sabun detergen, ataupun karena aktifitas
fisik yang keras dan kasar.
Ada berbagai cara menghaluskan telapak tangan, antara lain dengan gula dan kopi bubuk. Ambil 1 sendok makan gula dan 1 sendok teh
kopi, taruh ditelapak tangan kemudian beri sedikit minyak zaitun jika
tidak ada dapat diganti dengan minyak goreng kemudia usapkan kedua
tangan anda kurang lebih 30 detik. Lalu basuh tangan anda dengan air
hingga bersi. Anda akan dapat lasung merasakan hasilnya.Gunakan tangan anda untuk membahagiakan pasangan
Smooth Palms
hand is part of the body that do not seem too important to be treated
but actually it is very necessary because the hand is part of the body
most often associated with other people. For example, to shake hands
with colleagues, to caress the people we love. Has a smooth hand is very
important for most women, because umunnya palms often become rough due
to the wash, soap detergent, or due to hard physical activity and harsh.
There are various ways to smooth the palms, among others, with sugar and coffee powder. Take 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon of coffee, put the zip hand then give a little olive oil if there is no cooking oil can be replaced later by a second wipe your hands approximately 30 seconds. Then wash your hands with water to cling. You will be able to lasung feel the results.
Use your hands to happy couples: oops:
There are various ways to smooth the palms, among others, with sugar and coffee powder. Take 1 tablespoon sugar and 1 teaspoon of coffee, put the zip hand then give a little olive oil if there is no cooking oil can be replaced later by a second wipe your hands approximately 30 seconds. Then wash your hands with water to cling. You will be able to lasung feel the results.
Use your hands to happy couples: oops:
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